How long does it take to form LLC in Georgia? Time to Form the Company
Time to Form the Company
A company in Georgia can be incorporated via issuing a limited power of attorney to our Georgian officer, who will register the company on behalf of the shareholders. The turnaround time to form the company and prepare related documentation is generally 1-2 days (subject to the notary availability) from the day we receive the Power of Attorney.
Joint Stock Company (JSC)
- Limited Liabilities Company (LLC)
- Limited Partnership (LP)
- General Partnership (GP)
- Cooperative (CO)
- Individual Entrepreneur (IE)
Limited Liabilities Company (LLC) is the most common form for small and medium-sized companies. LLC can be established by any individual or legal entity. The charter capital of the company is divided into shares.
We can help you incorporate a Limited Liability Company in Georgia.
If you have any question - we will be happy to answer!
Feel free to contact us through WhatsApp / Viber : +39 351 5 47 00 47
Email :
კონსულტაციისთვის დაგვიკავშირდით
საქართველოში 599 50 55 78
თბილისი, ალ.ყაზბეგის №47 (მეტრო დელისი)
თბილისი, გურამიშვილის N23 ა (მეტრო ღრმაღელე)
იტალიაში 351 5 47 00 47
ბარი, ბალენძანოს მოედანი 12ა
მსგავსი სიახლეები
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Time to Form the Company
A company in Georgia can be incorporated via issuing a limited power of attorney to our Georgian officer, who will register the company on behalf of the shareholders. The turnaround time to form the company and prepare related documentation is generally 1-2 days (subject to the notary availability) from the day we receive the Power of Attorney.
Joint Stock Company (JSC)
- Limited Liabilities Company (LLC)
- Limited Partnership (LP)
- General Partnership (GP)
- Cooperative (CO)
- Individual Entrepreneur (IE)
Limited Liabilities Company (LLC) is the most common form for small and medium-sized companies. LLC can be established by any individual or legal entity. The charter capital of the company is divided into shares.
We can help you incorporate a Limited Liability Company in Georgia.
If you have any question - we will be happy to answer!
Feel free to contact us through WhatsApp / Viber : +39 351 5 47 00 47
Email :
კონსულტაციისთვის დაგვიკავშირდით
საქართველოში 599 50 55 78
თბილისი, ალ.ყაზბეგის №47 (მეტრო დელისი)
თბილისი, გურამიშვილის N23 ა (მეტრო ღრმაღელე)
იტალიაში 351 5 47 00 47
ბარი, ბალენძანოს მოედანი 12ა