New Company Registration In Georgia, Corporate Taxation
New Company Registration In Georgia, Corporate Taxation
Georgia taxes legal entities on their worldwide income, but a tax credit may be available for foreign tax paid up to the income tax assessed in Georgia.
Companies registered in Georgia are subject to a 15% flat corporate tax on their actual and deemed distributed profit. This means that profits retained and re-invested in the company are not subject to taxation.
Payments to residents and non-residents on interests, dividends, and royalties are subject to a final withholding tax of 5%. Payments on technical or professional fees are subject to a 10% withholding tax. If the recipient is a resident company of a considered tax-haven, a 15% withholding tax may apply
We can help you incorporate a Limited Liability Company in Georgia.
If you have any question - we will be happy to answer!
Feel free to contact us through WhatsApp / Viber : +39 351 5 47 00 47
Email :
კონსულტაციისთვის დაგვიკავშირდით
საქართველოში 599 50 55 78
თბილისი, ალ.ყაზბეგის №47 (მეტრო დელისი)
თბილისი, გურამიშვილის N23 ა (მეტრო ღრმაღელე)
იტალიაში 351 5 47 00 47
ბარი, ბალენძანოს მოედანი 12ა
მსგავსი სიახლეები
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New Company Registration In Georgia, Corporate Taxation
Georgia taxes legal entities on their worldwide income, but a tax credit may be available for foreign tax paid up to the income tax assessed in Georgia.
Companies registered in Georgia are subject to a 15% flat corporate tax on their actual and deemed distributed profit. This means that profits retained and re-invested in the company are not subject to taxation.
Payments to residents and non-residents on interests, dividends, and royalties are subject to a final withholding tax of 5%. Payments on technical or professional fees are subject to a 10% withholding tax. If the recipient is a resident company of a considered tax-haven, a 15% withholding tax may apply
We can help you incorporate a Limited Liability Company in Georgia.
If you have any question - we will be happy to answer!
Feel free to contact us through WhatsApp / Viber : +39 351 5 47 00 47
Email :
საქართველოში 599 50 55 78
თბილისი, ალ.ყაზბეგის №47 (მეტრო დელისი)
თბილისი, გურამიშვილის N23 ა (მეტრო ღრმაღელე)
იტალიაში 351 5 47 00 47
ბარი, ბალენძანოს მოედანი 12ა